I last posted from Peggy’s Cove, which is a long time ago. My apologies to the winers. I know you’ve been able to find something else to read in the interim.
Before we left Peggy’s Cove, we enjoyed a great evening with some fellow travelers. She was a doctor, he was a promoter of some sort. Fine folks, excellent evening. Ships passing in the night, we could say.
After that, we made our way to Sydney NS, or Louisburg, more exactly. There we boondocked, in the fog, beside fishing docks. In the am, we went to Louisburg Fortress, or the recreation thereof. I believe we have PET to thank for that.
The feds really have done an excellent job of recreating that fortress. They have animators in period costumes, encyclopedic guides, big cannons, bakeries, and other stuff. Takes you back in time.
I had little awareness of Acadian history, but now that we’ve been there got the t-shirt, I have an improved idea. Don’t know if it’s just me, but I always come away from those historical recreations feeling a bit bad about being British. Seems like they were a nasty lot back in the day, or that’s the impression I took. Our tour guide was an Acadian fella from generations back, so I asked him if, in his opinion, there was residual resentment on the part of the Acadians toward the British. He demurred and sidestepped quite adroitly, I thought. Gail said it was a bad question.
Ya. Then we made our way to the Newfoundland Ferry dock. This passage deserves a whole chapter, which I might attempt some day. For now, the short story can be comprehended in one word: grueling. Sixteen hours overnight. 3 hot hours in the parking lot beforehand. No sleeping berths to be had, unless you knew Joey Smallwood personally. Abusing our elderly bodies by sleeping on the floor, which isn’t as bad as trying to sleep sitting up in a chair. One hour and ten minutes between docking and finally disembarking. All this for a cool g note to accommodate our caravan.
In truth, it wasn’t actually that bad. A new experience, which we enjoyed—and endured—together. I just had to whine a bit.
So now we have been in St. John’s Newfoundland for four days, and we move on tomorrow. A lotta stuff here too: Signal Hill, Cape Spears (including a good whale show just off the rocks), new friends at a pub, who were the embodiment of legendary Nfld hospitality (paid for our beer), botanical gardens, music, and etc. On the down side, our moho needed yet another trip to the barn, like a big horse. Drinks too much and loves the barn. At least the shop rate here was a hundred bucks or so, unlike 185 an hour in Montreal.
Since we can’t go any farther east, we will now start heading west, actually north first to a place called Lumsden, which is close to Gander and is famous for its beaches. The CBC did an article on this place a while back, which you diligent researchers should look up. After awhile at the beach, we will turn west in earnest.
We are extraordinarily lucky to be doing what we’re doing, no question. That said, I feel a little shot of happiness at the idea of heading west. The RV life, for me at any rate, couldn’t be a full time gig, like it is for Lee Marvin who I mentioned elsewhere. Maybe if our rig was brand new and we had bottomless resource it would be a different story, but I doubt it. The insistent need for context, for place, just won’t go away. We’re having a stellar time, but I am looking forward to the fall when our bed will not have wheels and our relationships will last longer than one evening. Must be a home body, I guess.
Take care, all you winers and anybody else who reads this. Be thankful for where you’re at, because the grass probably isn’t any greener elsewhere. Do not throw your lit cigarette out the window.
They are having a heat wave here too, but not much over 30 degrees, and a fresh sea breeze to take the edge off. Not so bad.
And, I got a parking ticket today by being an idiot. Just didn’t pay at the machine.
And, the best fish and chips on this planet are at Duke’s On Duckworth, right off George St. Worth the trip.
And, a couple from Calgary asked me to take a picture of them, which I did. Turns out she is the family photographer, so there are almost no pictures of her. Like somebody else. I hope to change that, maybe this very evening. If possible.
Have been reading of the horrific rain and flooding in NS… Hope you fared better in NFL. Go West they say… Nice pic of your photographer with her own store (I hope you did some shopping there Gail!) Safe travels and hopefully no more home repairs needed…